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First Congregational Church of Geneva
Action Plan Level Definitions
We are using a four stage Action Plan to help congregation members, friends and the community understand what they can expect from the First Congregational Church.  The Plan Levels are summarized below, but details of the plan can be found here.

Action Level Green:  No significant health risks are present in the community, and the church is open and fully operational.  Protocols include: standard weekly cleaning; no restrictions on meetings; standard distancing; and no face covering requirements.

Action Level Yellow: Some health risks are present in the community, but the church is open and fully operational (we expect this to be our normal winter-time level, post-COVID19).  Protocols include: standard weekly cleaning; weekly electrostatic disinfecting of high touch surfaces and all nursery toys and and games; additional hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipe stations throughout the building; people who are not feeling well are encouraged to stay home; decrease in social distancing to 2 or 3 feet; no face coverings required.

Action Level Orange: Increased health risks are present in the community, but the church is open and partially operational.  Protocols include:  standard weekly cleaning, weekly electrostatic disinfecting of high touch surfaces; additional hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipe stations throughout the building; high risk members or friends are encouraged to stay home and participate in our online worship blog (found here); all un-vaccinated individuals in the building are expected to maintain a six-foot distance from others; face masks are required of all un-vaccinated individuals in the building except for children under two; no more than 50 people may meet in the building at one time; non-essential meetings should be cancelled or postponed; outdoor meetings are encouraged, weather permitting; no Sunday school or nursery care will be available (children may bring tablets or smart phones with headphones to services for use during the service).

Action Level Red:  If the state of Illinois or Kane County is not allowing gatherings of at least 50 people, the entire church facility will be closed for all uses.  Scheduled meetings or classes should be postponed or rescheduled.  Weddings, recitals and other events will be rescheduled once gathering restrictions have increased to at least 50 people.

First Congregational Church of Geneva
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