Third Annual Charity Bags Tournament...

First Congregational Church of Geneva will be hosting our Annual Charity Washer Toss Tournament on Saturday, September 13th, 2025. All tournament proceeds go to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley.
The event will feature a partners, double elimination tournament. If you don't have a partner, you can sign up as a single and be matched with another player before the tournament starts.
Watch this page for updated information on registration.
In addition to the tournament, we will have lots of food, a beer & wine tent, a 50/50 raffle and silent auction, and games for the kids during the fundraiser. Entry fee is $30 per team or $15 pre individual.
Event check in is 12:00pm, tournament play starts at 1:30pm.
Tournament Details:
Double elimination, bring your own partner or come alone and be paired with another single
All matches best of three, all games up to the semi-finals are played to 11, Semi-final games played to 21
Cancellation scoring
Standard 2' x 4' boards, 6" holes, 27 feet apart
Prizes for First and Second place
You can register for the tournament with the event link below. Prepayment of entry fees can be made here.